What is Chakra Healing and How do we Heal?
healing the CHAKRAS
The chakras are energetic spirals of energy in our body, whirling in unison. "Chakra" means wheel in Sanskrit. Our physical body generates electromagnetic energy, which creates an electromagnetic field around us. When our chakras are closed down, our electromagnetic body doesn't generate very much energy, and there is little circulation of energy between the chakras. But when the chakras start to open up, our electromagnetic field starts generating more energy at a higher frequency. We may not know this, but we feel it - we literally feel more energy every day, our minds are clearer, we sleep better.
When an emotional experience blocks a chakra, it is like damming a stream of water. The bigger the trauma, the larger the block. The block always occurs in the chakra relevant to the trauma; for example, a sexual assault will lodge in your sexual chakra...a parent calling you stupid all your life will affect your mind, your third eye chakra.
Fear closes down chakras like ice freezes a stream. Deep feelings of fear, guilt, shame, grief or anger can wedge these emotions into the electromagnetic field of the chakras and block the flow of your life.
We understand this on an instinctive level all the time. You've noticed how when you get run down, a certain weak point in your body always flares up? Some people are prone to stomach problems; some people always get a hacking cough or a sore throat. Even weight issues are connected to chakras; someone may have heavy thighs but slim arms, or a big stomach but a thin torso. The body mirrors the chakras that are blocked.
Chakra healing uses the visualization of light. That flow of light can remove the dam from the stream, and release the fear so that the ice can melt. Once the life force, or chi, starts moving through the chakra unimpeded, the life force itself will heal the physical body and start to ease any behavior dysfunction.
Once the block has been released, the body's energy has a chance to shift. Because it is work on the electromagnetic field of your body, the results are physical, and many people can feel a warmth or tingling in the different chakras as they are being worked on. Sometimes they feel very light, as if a weight had been taken off.
When your chakra is cleared of a block, the physical body goes through a clearing. The cells which carried the soul memory release toxins. Thus, for up to two or three weeks after a healing, you may feel tired. You may get a cold or have different physical symptoms that help to release the toxins.
Healing past lives is an important part of energy healing.
How do past lives affect our present-day life?
Experiences or memories of past lives may be fleeting or non-rational and we may question their existence. If the concept of past lives seems disturbing, we might see them as metaphors or emotional stories that may shed light on our present emotional problems. Whatever they are, I find these visions of past lives a powerful tool for tremendous healing. Their release seems to allow for release of long-standing physical or emotional problems. A few examples:
* a model in her twenties had huge hunks of hair fall out, and the bald spots were getting worse and worse, no medication could help it. She discovered a past life where she had a passage on a ship to the New World as an indentured servant. She had scurvy and her hair fell out. When the past life was healed, the hair began to grow in. Her hair is now fully back to normal.
* a dancer in her thirties had a very bad back and went to a chiropractor once a week for years. We found a past life where she had suffered a rape and murder as a five year old, where her pelvis and lower back had been broken. Once the life was released, the constant pain went away and she actually never had to go back to the chiropractor.
*a woman in her sixties discovered a past life as a maid in Ireland in the nineteenth century. She was always on call for the family she worked for and was never able to sleep through the night. This client had terrible sleeping problems throughout her life. As the lifetime was released, her sleep pattern changed and she was able to sleep through the night for the first time in her life.
The best part of this work is that it seems to change old attitudes and beliefs. Mental blocks are dissolved so that people "feel" like doing things that they resisted before. Mental vision and clarity come so that old jobs or relationships are discarded in favor of new, fulfilling connections which realize a more authentic self.
Once we realize we have an energy field, we see that it can be possible for an energy flow between two people to connect. Sometimes this can be a negative connection, as we are drained or impacted by negative people. We can detach cords which literally drain the energy from our chakras. We can reclaim our thoughts - not allowing ourselves to be held hostage by other people's ways of thinking, or old familiar negative voices in our heads that may have been planted there years ago.
“I’m still perplexed by the beautiful simplicity of the work we did last night. It was definitely unlike anything I’d experienced before and the energy was so gentle yet very potent indeed. I’m looking forward to experiencing and learning this new language. I have spent many thousands of dollars on practitioners and seminars to heal me…here was a class for $20 which gave me more than all of them put together. I’m stunned.”
what you can expect from ENERGY HEALING sessions or classes:
Increased physical health and energy
Mental clarity and lack of brain fog
A new perspective on old problems and a concrete way to change your habits and patterns
A permanent way to disconnect from negative or abusive people and cut any cords with them
A proactive approach to establish healthy boundaries with everyone in your life
An avenue to connect with personal guidance and wisdom from spirit guides
A method of past life therapy
Finding knowledge of your own personal destiny and life quest